Wellness Challenge Day 20 – Take a small step towards your goal

Last week you set a SMART goal based on your vision.


Day 20 - Take a small step towards yourToday your challenge is to take the next smallest step you can manage towards that goal.


Exactly what that step entails will depend on your goal, but it need only be small. The step should small enough to accomplish quickly and easily and be a positive step towards your goal.


For example you might make a phone call to find out information you’ve been meaning to ask, make your next meal a healthy and nutritious choice, plan when you can exercise next week, or sit and read a book to relax, whatever you determine as the next smallest step you are able to make towards your goal.


Don’t underestimate the simplicity of this task.


Completing even a simple action builds confidence and will help keep your personal momentum moving in the right direction towards your goal and ultimately your vision.



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