Winter Wellness Challenge Day 7 – Plan a week of purpose

As a mum, partner, employee, business owner, student and athlete, I fully understand the value of planning. My busy life puts me in the position where daily and weekly planning are essential to create enough time to meet the needs of my family, responsibilities of my employment, requirements of study, achieving health and fitness goals and succeeding in my business. I plan my days and weeks to include time for my family, business and health. This allows me to create a clear path for myself that maintains a healthy balance of work and play.

Day 7 - Plan the week ahead

Your challenge today is to set aside some time to plan the week ahead. What responsibilities do you have this week? What do you have to do and what can you say no to? When and where will you exercise? What meals will you cook? Are there opportunities to cook extra so that you can eat left overs on a busy night? Are there opportunities to relax, unwind and do the things you love to do?

Do the activities in your week align with your vision? Have you included activities that will take the next step towards achieving your vision? Does your week look too crowded / should some activities be dropped or rescheduled?

Sure, you can’t plan for everything. Things happen that you can’t anticipate. But it is a whole lot easier to accomplish what matters most (i.e. your personal vision) when you are proactive and begin with the end in mind.

You can either live on-purpose, according to a plan you’ve set, or you can live by accident, reacting to the demands of others.

Take today’s challenge and plan a week of purpose.



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