You’re 40 …
Ok – maybe you’re like me & embracing your 50’s…
You’ve tried to make changes to your health & fitness SO many times… you’ve joined gyms, tried 12 week challenges, meal replacement shakes, fat burning tablets and thigh blasters! Then there were the detoxes, IF, LCHF, 5:2 and bootcamp instructors screaming in your face.
But you’ve had enough – and are sick of the ‘health and fitness’ industry selling you quick fixes modeled by ‘20 somethings’ in lycra and crop tops – who just don’t understand what it’s like to be a busy woman, dealing with the constant demands of kids, aging parents, the household & work pressures.
In spite of all this – you still want more – more from your life & health… to feel energised, confident, happy, healthy and motivated to dream big and make the most of your life.
And deep down you know there HAS has to be a better way to create a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.. …something no-fuss and suitable for the whole family – that breaks the diet cycle forever (for you AND your kids!).

Hi, I’m Joanne
I’m here to break the cycle.
For the teenage girl who feels she has to starve herself to be accepted, for the young girl who is too embarrassed to participate in PE at school, for the mum who feels pressured to ‘get her body back’ within weeks of giving birth, and for the woman that’s had a bad experience at a gym and felt unworthy.
Every woman deserves to feel strong, to feel fit, to feel vibrant. Every woman deserves to feel confident, to feel empowered to feel unstoppable.
I’m here to break the cycle and make that path easier – by empowering the matriarchs in our lives to believe in themselves, invest in themselves and become role models for all future women.
It’s time to get real.
IntroDucing the Real Girls approach
At Real Girls – we believe living a healthy life is not about deprivation, 6 packs or bikinis.
It’s about eating well, moving well and living well – being a role model for your children (and grandchildren) so that they avoid the dieting rollercoaster and mindset that you have endured – helping them see that ‘healthy’ is easy and ‘normal’.
And most importantly, it’s also about building self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-care and pursuing your dreams.
We also GET that you’re busy and juggling all of life’s demands – but that you still want to feel and look amazing – to live your life with confidence.
We’re here to treat you and your health as a whole – treating you as the individual you are – not a generic cookie-cutter stereotype based on the number on your scales or your number of years on earth.
We believe in eating to nourish and support your soul – not deprivation.
We believe in moving to reward and honour your body, not punishing it.
We believe it’s good to get a little sweaty – because exercise isn’t meant to be pretty, airbrushed or insta-worthy.
We believe in progress, not perfection – because imperfect action trumps perfect inaction, every single time.
Let’s get Real together:
Real Girls Sweat
Real Girls Sweat is a 40+ ‘girls only’ group fitness membership that is fun, supportive and usually a little SWEATY!
In addition to our in person workouts, being a member of Real Girls Sweat includes: a comprehensive on demand workout library delivered using the Real Girls Sweat app, recipes, seminars, healthy habit challenges, accountability plus a tonne of support and resources PLUS regular local ‘adventures’.
Most of all you will be joining a community of amazing women who support and encourage each other every step of the way.
Project Me
Project me is 1:1 lifestyle coaching program that is personlised to your goals and needs. Encompassing nutrition, fitness, life balance while navigating peri-menopause and menopause.
This is no quick fix, (we all know they aren’t the answer). This is a lifestyle commitment. It’s not a diet. It’s not a fitness craze.
As your coach and mentor, you’ll have my support and guidance every step of the way.
ReaDY to Get Real ?
Taking care of yourself is about saying – I matter too.
You are worth it – every single time.
Real Girls are ready! Ready to leave life’s sideline, nurture their body and mind and chase their goals.
It’s time to live your one incredible life with courage, tenacity and resilience.
Dream big and live boldly and do it your way on your terms.
As a busy (just turned 50 🙂) mum, business owner & wife, I understand how difficult it can be to make your own health and well-being a priority. I understand that sometimes our own needs can become lost in the busy-ness of work, family and random life events.
I understand the many obstacles and challenges we face each day, but I truly believe that investing in your own health and well-being is the most important investment you can make.
I am committed to helping Real Girls realise that you have 30.. 40..50.. years ahead of you…. to ensure that your life becomes bigger, brighter, bolder and more fulfilling… to give you the courage to get real about what’s most important to you and help bring it to life.
The standout feature to me is how accommodating Jo is around exercise & personal fitness levels but balancing that with pushing me to do more and more.
My level of strength and aerobic fitness has never been better, and I feel like I’m in my 30’s, not my late 40’s!
…the best thing is that loads of other things in my life have aligned due to a change in my mind set so I feel really good about work-life-Mum balance….
Thank you Jo for the huge changes you have assisted me with!
It is so great to have the support of Jo, who is so amazing and always encouraging.
With Jo’s help I got myself sorted with some healthy meal options and committed to doing a couple of extra activities on top of the Real Girls classes I was attending.
After the first week I was already feeling so much better, I had more energy, which helped with the classes and just felt so much better within myself.
Life throws so many challenges but this program has helped me to realise that I need to take time for me & my health.
Thanks Jo. I would not have been able to do this without your support.
The resources, advice & guidance offered by Jo are an important part of the process & that Jo’s promise of ask her anything, means just that.
Being in my mid 40’s (ok late 40’s), I have tried lots of times to “lose weight” with mixed success but never sustained success.
As a real girl & because life happens, I have learned that it’s unrealistic to expect ourselves to be 100% disciplined, 100% of the time.
I now know that the combination of eating real food, cutting out the processed junk together with exercise, leads to lifestyle changes that gets results & leaves you feeling fabulous.
I have tried so many diet plans but my mindset has never changed like it has now.
I like that the coaching is actually teaching me – I’m not just following a pre-set template.
This program has taught me I can do a lot more about my nutrition than I ever thought and that exercise can be fun and enjoyable.
Joanne has done what nothing else has been able to do – put the breaks on my constant search for that ‘magic bullet’ that would fix all my nutrition/exercise ‘issues’.
…She is consistent and gentle in her message, never casting judgement or making me feel stupid.
…I drink less (I used to drink wine every day without fail), I prioritise my meal planning/prepping more and have strengthened my commitment to regular exercise.
I have more confidence and more resilience… I feel bloody awesome!
I feel the most ‘powerful’ I have felt in ages, having some clarity is priceless.
Joanne’s attention, knowledge, coaching skills, and commitment to her clients is incredible, throw in a fabulous sense of humour and really, you couldn’t ask for a better coach!
I was overwhelmed on how to improve my overall health….that is when I found Jo from Real Girls.
We looked at my goals so I could improve my health with long term sustainability in mind.
We focused on changing my old mind set – like no longer letting the number on the scale define younow its more how I feel and the way my clothes fit.
My mindset towards exercise was about adjusting to what I can do now not comparing myself to what I once did when I was a much younger version of myself….oh… it’s ok to be kind yourself and do what you can today!
I am happier and healthier today and I get to choose mindfully what I eat, how much I exercise I do and how much sleep I get.
I’ve worked with Jo for the last 3 months to implement strategies which have led to improved health, fat loss, deep positive mindset changes and what were some surprising realisations for me.
I’ve always said “even coaches need a coach” and I finally found a like- minded, highly qualified lady who actually knows how to train and coach women over 40 at your own level.
No dieting, no restricting food groups. No VLC – low carb – keto – paleo – beach – high impact exercise – IF – gluten free, expensive diet programs or any other BS.
Just some brilliant mindset coaching, recalibration, sustainable habits and strategies to look after myself.
I highly recommend Jo for a realistic program and coaching that works for good.

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