are you ready to put yourself first?

You’re a busy working woman, slowly creeping towards 50 (or 60), stressed out & exhausted. That not so sneaky weight gain is really starting to bother you now, but you’re just too exhausted and overwhelmed to ‘fix it’.

You used to be fit & healthy – but life has got in the way, and now you’re way down at the bottom of your never-ending ‘to do’ list – and the thought of ‘starting over’ AGAIN fills you with dread.

You are frustrated that all of the tricks you have tried in the past no longer work, and even more frustrated by the ‘health and fitness’ industry selling you quick fixes by 20 somethings in lycra ‘scrunch bum’ tights and crop tops – who just don’t understand what it’s like to be a busy woman in her 40’s or 50’s, living in a body that seems to have a mind of its own.

You feel isolated and just don’t know where to start.

Here’s the thing… what you may not realise, is that you and your body are just not the same as they were in your 20s and 30s – and that’s ok!  The time of punishing ourselves with extreme exercise, and depriving ourselves with restrictive diets are over. It’s time to be kind to yourself, and work with your body instead of fighting so hard against it.

Design your midlife the sustainable way

Let’s get real about

what’s possible for you!

 it’s time to make a lifestyle commitment (suggestions?)

note:I want this section to be about longevity & healthy ageing.  Living a long and independent retirement. Discovering it is possible to live pain free, and be able to get off the floor without grunting and groaning. Fun retirements and chasing grandkids (and kids).

While your body may feel as if it has a mind of it’s own now, your waistbands just keep getting tighter making you feel flat and frumpy and you dread your photo being taken – I promise you that it’s not too late to get your mojo back – feeling fabulous, confident, and in control of yourself and your life – saying YES to all of life’s adventures

You are NOT defined by a number. Not on the scale or your number of years on this earth. It’s time for you to get real about what’s important to you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and the adventures that you want to have.

When you work with your body, and take a wholistic approach to your health and fitness, not only will you regain a sense of control over your health, you’ll regain energy and the confidence to stop living on life’s sidelines.

….. something about a kickstart to a sustainable lifestyle commitment (ie this is not 6 weeks and done – this is just the start of a lifestyle transformation)….

BUT this is no quick fix, (we all know they aren’t the answer)

You know that your commitment to a strong, healthy and enjoyable midlife doesn’t get created in a few short weeks. This is the end of ‘you’ve heard it all before’ (delete?).

This is the beginning of a lifestyle commitment. It’s not a diet. It’s not a fitness craze. It’s not fluffy affirmations willing that your life is going to change. 


Project Me is a 6 week midlife transformation program. 

Together we will design YOUR perfect midlife – without diets or burpees.

We’ll kickstart your health & fitness with a meal plan, 1:1 PT sessions and weekly guidance sessions that cover everything from menopause to mindset. We’ll focus on establishing sustainable habits and how to program a success mindset.

You will not only look and feel amazing, but I guarantee you’ll be approaching life differently, because you’ll feel in control, powerful and be unstoppable.

You are worth it!

During Project Me you will:

Step 1. Create your midlife vision and set goals so that you’re crystal clear on what you’d LOVE your midlife to look like so that I can help you achieve it.

Step 2. Undergo a menopause review and create a plan and strategies to manage and improve your symptoms.

Step 3. Undergo a nutrition review and create a plan and strategies to optimise your energy and 

Step 4.  Learn how to menu plan and create meals based on your menu review

Step 5.  Develop strategies to help navigate stress and emotional eating 

Step 6.  Develop strategies to prioritise self care

And much more…

Best of all…

    … as your coach and mentor, you’ll have my support and guidance every step of the way as you implement simple changes for lifelong success!


    You are worth it – taking care of yourself is not saying ‘me first’ to those you love – it’s saying ‘me too’.


    I GET IT, I really DO

    10 years ago I was a few months into a new ‘health kick’ after several years of putting everything else first before me. Work, family, ‘stuff’.

    You see, soon after I turned thirty I returned to full time work. As a single mum this suddenly meant a lot less time for myself. Long work hours and lack of planning led to weight ‘creeping’ on until I had gained 21kgs at my heaviest.

    My BMI landed me in the ‘obese’ range. I was unhappy, no, miserable. I refused to buy nice clothes as this wasn’t the ‘real’ me. I was frumpy, lumpy and avoided social situations unless it was with close friends or family and refused to have my photo taken.

    I tried a range of quick fix diets, you name it I tried it – shakes and endless Very Low Calories Diets, fruit only until lunch, fat blaster tablets the list goes on.

    They were all essentially the same – limited weight loss (they were all too restrictive and boring to sustain), limited exercise (you couldn’t exercise as you had no energy) and all resulting in me regaining any weight I did lose, and then some. I was an 80kg yo-yo!

    I had finally come to the realisation that there are no short cuts – there is no magic pill – I needed to do the work & prioritise ME!

    It wasn’t easy – but it got easier.

    It took time for me to finally realise that while exercise is a crucial part of the puzzle – I needed to change my mindset and my eating habits as well.

    I learned to eat to nourish and support my soul – not to deprive myself.

    I learned to exercise to reward and honour my body – not to punish it.

    I learned to say no to the things that no longer served me.

    But the biggest lesson of all was that I learned to strive for progress not perfection

    imperfect action trumps perfect inaction every.single.time.

    what’s included:

    Mindset Reset


    Discover the secret to creating the midlife you dream of, through setting and achieving YOUR health & fitness goals – even if you don’t know where to start.



    You’ll not only receive a 6 week meal plan & shopping lists to get you started, you’ll learn how to menu plan and create meals that nourish your body so that you feel less bloated, have more energy & love clothes shopping again without deprivation.


    1:1 PT SESSIONS 

    1:1 PT sessions – 2 x live online sessions each week from the comfort of your home. Become fitter, stronger and more flexible, safely & confidently, without ever doing a burpee.  I will be there to coach you every step of the way. PLUS unlimited group fitness



    If you want to create a life you truly love, you need to be able to take consistent action. I’ll cover each of the steps above during these sessions and will trouble shoot and develop strategies to overcome any curveballs that life throws you.








    Our online resource centre of eGuides, video and worksheets cover topics from mindset and nutrition, to hormones and menopause to support your midlife transformation.


    adventure / ədˈvɛntʃə/

    an unusual and exciting or daring experience.

    As part of Project Me you will be invited to join our quarterly Real Girls Adventures (COVID restrictions permitting).


    My level of strength and aerobic fitness has never been better, and I feel like I’m in my 30’s, not my late 40’s!

    …the best thing is that loads of other things in my life have aligned due to a change in my mindset so I feel really good about work-life-Mum balance….

    Thank you Jo for the huge changes you have assisted me with!


    Joanne has done what nothing else has been able to do

    …She is consistent and gentle in her message, never casting judgement or making me feel stupid.

    I prioritise my meal planning more and have strengthened my commitment to regular exercise.

    I have more confidence and more resilience… I feel bloody awesome!

    I feel the most ‘powerful’ I have felt in ages, having clarity is priceless.

    Joanne’s attention, knowledge, coaching skills, and commitment to her clients is incredible, throw in a fabulous sense of humour and really, you couldn’t ask for a better coach!


    I have tried so many diet plans but my mindset has never changed like it has now.

    I like that the coaching  is actually teaching me – I’m not just following a pre-set template.

    This program has taught me I can do a lot more about my nutrition than I ever thought and that exercise can be fun and enjoyable.


    I was overwhelmed on how to improve my overall health….

    We looked at my goals so I could improve my health with long term sustainability in mind.

    We focused on changing my old mindset –  the number on the scale does not define you… adjusting my exercise to what I can do now not comparing myself to a much younger version of myself

    I am so much happier and healthier.


    take control of your health and fitness –
    once and for all



    Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve been in shape, or felt energised throughout your entire day, or felt capable and confident enough to do what you truly want.


    Just imagine… 

    Feeling happy, healthy and motivated to dream big and live boldly, with more energy than you had in your 30s

    Never having to diet or deprive yourself again to fit into that favourite outfit

    Being able to wear the clothes you love with confidence and not dread your photo being taken

    Feeling fabulous, confident, and in control of yourself and your life - saying YES to all of life's adventures

    Celebrating the small wins as much as the big ones (they pave the way to your future)

    When you’ve made the decision and committed to turn things around and start a new health and fitness program, it can be difficult to know what to do next. And staying motivated is hard — especially if you try to do it all on your own.

    That’s where I come in.

    If you’re ready to get in control of your health and fitness once and for all, I’m ready to help.


    Busy women who are 40+ and are READY

    1.  to stop looking for shortcuts, and quit dieting forever

    2. to lose weight, improve their health and feel fabulous again.

    3.. to navigate and embrace the changes that being 40+ brings

    4.  to rediscover energy that they forgot they once had

    5.  for an ENTIRELY NEW APPROACH that will transform their relationship with food and overhaul their health, once and for all!

    If you’re ready to get in control of your health and fitness once and for all, I’m ready to help.

    You’ve tried doing it alone. Now try with someone who’s ready to bring a commitment that’s as serious as your own.

    Program Options

    6 Month Program

    Paid monthly

    Project Me is for you if:

    You want to get healthier, fitter, and thrive despite life’s demands  — and stay that way for the rest of your life.

    You’re tired of “quick fix” programs and are willing to learn sustainable strategies to get in shape.

    You want an expert to hold you accountable and keep you consistent through the program.


    The Real Girls Movements provides nutrition and fitness coaching for women.  We specialise in helping women over 40 navigate the life changes that peri-menopause and mid-life brings.

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