Recipe (healthy fat): Mayonnaise

Makes about 1 ½ cups


1 large or extra large egg

2 tsp lemon juice

½ tsp saltbowl of mayonnaise and ingredients on white background

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 clove garlic

1 cup olive or avocado oil




Add all ingredients except oil to your food processor. Process until creamy (about 10 seconds).


With the food processor running, add a few drops of oil into the egg mixture. Every few seconds add a few more drops. Continue until the mixture starts to thicken.


Now you can do a slow drizzle. Stop pouring, every once in a while checking that the oil gets fully incorporated.


Store leftovers in a covered container in the fridge for up to 1-2 weeks.



Serve & enjoy!


Tip: Use this in place of mayonnaise for egg, salmon, chicken salads, etc.


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