Winter Wellness Challenge Day 1 – Vision Board

Day 1 – Vision Board

Today’s task is to create a vision board that represents YOUR version of YOUR healthiest life.

Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do. A vision board provides an image of the future – a tangible representation of where you are going, and where you want your life to lead. It represents your dreams, your goals, and in this exercise, your ideal healthiest life (think life balance, energy, exercise and nutrition).

Your vision board should focus on how you want to feel, not just on things you ‘want’. The more your board focuses on how you want to feel, the more it will resonate with you and come to life.

You can make your vision board the ‘old fashioned’ way by cutting out images and words that inspire you from magazines and pin them to a notice board, or you can use one of many websites and apps available e.g. Pintrest, apps such as ‘Mood Board’ (mood board below was created using this app) or even a word cloud using a website such as ‘Wordle’.

Day 1 - Create a vision board-1

When creating your board include anything that inspires and motivates you, images, words, mementos, quotes etc. The purpose of your vision board is for everything on it to speak to you, inspire and motivate you and represent your ideal healthiest life.

Most of all have fun with it and dream big – and if you’d like to share your vision board I’d love to see it!


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