Winter Wellness Challenge Day 12 – Spend time in nature

Sure it might be a bit cool outside at the moment, and it certainly gets light later and dark earlier, however there are great benefits to spending time outside.


Scientists have found that when people spend time in natural surroundings — forests, parks and other places with plenty of trees, they produce lower concentrations of cortisol (a stress hormone), have a lower pulse rate, and lower blood pressure.


Day 12 - Spend time in nature copyOther studies have found that nature makes people feel more alive, and have linked exposure to nature with increased energy, a heightened sense of well-being, experience improvement in mood and self-esteem and boosts happiness.


One of the reasons I love running so much is that I love being outside. I haven’t run on a treadmill or with music for over 2 years now and instead enjoy the sounds of nature and the sting of the crisp winter air on my skin. I’ve even come to enjoy running in the heat and drizzly rain. I love the sounds of the birds, and cows and the occasional sighting of kangaroos, wallabies and goannas (depending where I run 🙂 ) and feel refreshed and invigorated afterwards.


So today your challenge is to get outside and spend some time in nature: exercise outside instead of going to the gym; have lunch outdoors; or take a walk after work. You could also combine the day 6 challenge and reconnect with a friend or family member while spending time outdoors – just think of the benefits!



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