Winter Wellness Challenge Day 13 – Set a SMART goal

Today your challenge is to go back to day one of the Winter Wellness Challenge and look at your vision board.  Your vision should be so compelling that you can see it, smell it, taste it and feel it.

Take some time to reflect on your vision. What are the big steps and actions you need to take?

Today your challenge is to map out one of the big goals you need to accomplish. Focus on just one piece of your vision that really jumps out and excites you.  Don’t get caught up in the details yet, stay with the big picture.A GOAL IS A DREAM WITH A DEADLINE

Now think ahead three months.  What would you like to achieve in relation to this part of your vision in three months time?  This will form the basis of your SMART goal.

There is a lot of information available about SMART goals, so I won’t go into a lot of detail in this post, however to set a SMART goal it should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.

For example, if you want to improve your fitness, instead of your goal being “get fit”, it might be “I will do at least 30 minutes of moderately intense cardio exercise a day, five days of the week.  I will to commit to this schedule for the next 3 months.”

SMART goals are great because they ensure you get specific, help you validate and refine your goals, and help you map out your next actions to move forward.

Developing and refining visions and setting SMART goals, is part of the Wellness Coaching process.  If you would like help bringing your vision to life and planning your next steps towards your vision – call or message Life Spark Wellness today!

Have fun with it and feel free to share you SMART goals below.


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