Will your 2016 be different to 2015…. 2014…. 2013?

Christmas and all it’s craziness is over and the focus shifts to the New Year.  You start reflecting on the previous 12 months, where you are now and where we would like to be, and realise that the resolutions you set last year (and the year before…. and the year before that) still haven’t been achieved.

Like many looking fremember all those new years resolutions that were made? neither do i?orward to another opportunity to ‘start over’, you may have welcomed in the new year setting a few New Year resolutions, (perhaps with a sore head and even a #newyearsresolution) vowing that 2016 will be different, that this year will be THE year to achieve those resolutions from last year, and the year before… and the year before that……..  However, despite best intentions and even extreme enthusiasm, according to research, 88% of 2016 resolutions won’t be achieved.

So how can we improve our chances of success? Some of you may have seen or read that a better approach is to set goals instead of setting resolutions, and ideally these will be SMART goals.  SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound and can be a very effective way to achieve results.

Compare the resolution ‘I want to get fit’, with the SMART goal ‘I will lose 5% of my body weight in the next 6 months’.My goal for 2016 is to accomplish the goals of 2015 which i should have done in 2014 because I made a promise to myself in 2013 to do what I had planned in 2012! It is specific in that it spells out exactly what is to be achieved. It is measurable by use of a percentage of body weight. It is likely to be achievable as according to research the average adult can achieve improved health through losing 10% of their body weight. It is realistic in terms of the time frame to lose the amount of body weight, and finally it is time bound to 6 months.

While this approach provides a lot more structure and guidance for achieving the outcome than a simple resolution, often SMART goals on their own aren’t achieved either.

‘Why not?’ I hear you ask. Because ‘life’ gets in the way.  You experience obstacles that trip you up, bring you undone and make working towards your resolutions and goals seem all too hard, and before long they are a distant memory. The next thing you know another year has passed you by and your resolutions and goals haven’t been achieved….again. You then either start the same cycle next year or eventually feel defeated and give up all together, thinking that there is something wrong with you or that you are a failure.

So how do we stop this crazy cycle?  This is where Wellness Coaching can help you.  Together with your Wellness Coach we capture and develop your life vision, that is, what your ultimate healthiest life looks like (think nutrition, exercise and life balance).  We then explore the obstacles you may face and the strengths you possess to over come them.

The next step is for us to set 2 – 3 three month SMART goals that will lead you towards achieving your vision.  To ensure you continue to move towards your goals and vision we look at the next action you can take towards achieving each three month goal, working on changing habits and building new ones, developing strategies to overcome your obstacles and using your strengths to overcome them.  We also celebrate and reflect on what you have achieved so far and problem solve actions that perhaps didn’t go to plan.

It is 100% personalised based on you, your vision, your circumstances and your strengths.  This wholistic approach to goal setting provides accountability, order, clarity, challenge, small steps and ultimately SUCCESS.New year's resolution #1

If you would like more information about Wellness Coaching and / or the coaching services Life Spark Wellness provides, drop me an email at info@lifesparkwellness.com.au or give me a call on 0455 505 531and arrange your FREE INITIAL consultation (100% obligation free).

In the mean time – here’s to 2016!  Let’s make it AWESOME!


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